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Elliptic Curves



Let be a field of characteristic 1 Let be two field elements such that An elliptic curve in short Weierstrass form over denoted is the set of all pairs that satisfy the equation together with a distinguished element denoted called the point at infinity: This is the so-called affine representation of points of the elliptic curve. There is another family of representations called projective (more attractive from an algorithmic point of view) that we will discuss shortly.

Hasse's bound establishes that the number of points of called the order of is where is an integer (called the Frobenius trace or simply trace of the curve) satisfying

It is possible to equip with a commutative group law for which the point at infinity is the identity element with the so-called chord-and-tangent rule. This group operation is denoted additively and called addition law. The inverse of a point is the point

From the addition law we can define scalar multiplication: for and the scalar multiplication of by denoted or if there is no ambiguity, is given by

The group structure of is either cyclic or "almost" cyclic. Namely, a general theorem establishes that has at most two invariant factors (see Theorem 5.6 for the definition of an invariant factor). In other words, is isomorphic to either the cyclic group or a direct product of cyclic groups with

Affine versus Projective Coordinates

Earlier we saw how to defined an elliptic curve using affine coordinates. This is not how elliptic curves are usually defined by mathematicians, who usually prefer to use projective geometry.

Projective Plan

Let be a finite field of order and let The projective plan over denoted is the set of equivalence classes of where two tuples and are equivalent, denoted if there is a scalar such that Such an equivalence class is called a projective point. A projective point contains tuples The convention is to denote projective points with capital letters and colon separators, i.e., (or sometimes will denote the equivalence class

Equivalently, projective points can be seen as 1-dimensional subspaces ("lines") of the 3-dimensional vector space over How many projective points are there? There are non-zero vectors in but each of the non-zero vectors in a subspace generates this subspace, hence the total number of 1-dimensional subspaces is

Another way to count the number of projective points is as follows:

  • there are projective points of the form
  • there are projective points of the form
  • there is one projective point of the form

It is customary to identify the ordinary "affine" plane with the first type of projective points, meaning there is an injective map from to given by The inverse of this map is

The points of the second and third types (sharing the property that are called "points at infinity" and form the so-called "line at infinity".

It is possible to define projective lines in a similar way to projective points: projective lines are 2-dimensional subspaces of (with vector removed). There are also projective lines in which is quite natural since any 1-dimensional subspace of defines a unique 2-dimensional subspace via its orthogonal complement. A projective point "lies on" a projective line if it is included (in the set-theoretical sense) in the projective line. From this definition, it follows that (i) given any two projective points, there is exactly one projective line containing both of them, and (ii) given any two projective lines, there is exactly one projective point lying on both of them (meaning there are no parallel lines). Properties (i) and (ii) are in fact the axiomatic definition of a projective plan. Each projective line contains vectors and is the disjoint union of projective points. In particular, the projective points of the second and third type are indeed on the same projective line corresponding to the 2-dimensional subspace orthogonal to vector

Elliptic Curves in Projective Coordinates

To obtain the equation defining an elliptic curve in projective coordinates, we substitute to and to in the affine short Weierstrass equation and multiply by to clear the denominators. This way, we obtain the projective short Weierstrass equation:

It is easy to see that a projective point with satisfies (11.2) if and only if the corresponding affine point with and satisfies (11.1). Moreover, a projective point on the line at infinity ( satisfies (11.2) if and only meaning the only of the projective points at infinity satisfying (11.2) is This is the "curve point at infinity", the identity element of the group law, that we denoted when we defined the elliptic curve in affine coordinates.

Hence, one of the main advantages of projective coordinates over affine ones is that it unifies ordinary points and the point at infinity which now has a projective representation as any other point, namely

Another advantage is that computing the group law is more efficient because it does not require to perform modular division (which is only required to perform projective-to-affine conversion). A ballpark estimation is that a modular inversion is 20 to 100 times more costly than a modular multiplication depending on the platform and the implementation.

The projective coordinates obtained with the substitution is just one possibility among others, called homogeneous projective coordinates because the resulting projective equation (11.2) for the curve is homogeneous, meaning all terms have the same total degree, 3 here. An very common alternative are Jacobian coordinates defined by the substitution The resulting projective equation is Projective points in Jacobian coordinates are defined by the equivalence relation The point at infinity ( is the equivalence class

See for a list of various other possible coordinates systems.

1: It is possible to define elliptic curves over fields of characteristic 2 or 3 but equations are more complicated.