Puzzle 3: Double Trouble

Bob has developed a new zero-knowledge inner-product proof allows proving that
the inner product of a hidden, committed vector `a` with a public vector `b`
equals the claimed value `v` that is committed. He's released the protocol
license-free below, but still wants to profit from his invention. So, he
developed a proprietary prover that he claims is 2x faster than the standard one
described below, but without sacrificing zero-knowledge: it still hides all
information about the committed vector `a`. To back up his claim, he has
published a few proofs generated by this proprietary prover for the same `a` but
with respect to different `b` vectors, and has challenged people to recover `a`
from just these proofs.

Can you rise to the challenge and recover the vector `a`?.

The inner-product proof is obtained by applying the Fiat--Shamir transform to
the following sigma protocol:

Before proof:
During proof of inner product with public vector b:
        Prover                                           Verifier
Offline phase (before `b` is available):
1. Prover computes
    C_a := PedersenCOMM(a; α)
         = sum_i (a_i * G_i) + α * H
    where G_i and H are random group elements,
    and s is sampled randomly.
                            --------- C_a ---------->

Online phase for a given public vector `b` (can be repeated for different `b`s):

1. Prover samples a random vector r
    and random elements ρ, τ, υ.
2. Prover computes
    C_r := PedersenCOMM(r; ρ)
    C_1 := PedersenCOMM(<a, b>; τ) // <x, y> denotes inner product of x and y.
    C_2 := PedersenCOMM(<r, b>; υ)
                            ---- C_r, C_1, C_2 ----->
                            <- random challenge γ ---
3. Prover computes
    s := a + γr,
    u := α + γρ
    t := τ + γυ,
                            -------- s, u, t ------->
                                                // Check that `s` really is a + γr,
                                                Check PedersenCOMM(s; u) = C_a + γC_r
                                                // Check that the inner product is committed in C_1.
                                                Check PedersenCOMM(<s, b>; t) = C_1 + γC_2

This puzzle is about a zero-knowledge poof system allowing to prove some kind of inner-product relation between committed values. The puzzle instruction asks us to retrieve the witness of some instance and hence to break the zero-knowledge property of the scheme. It is recommended to read the chapters about commitments and zero-knowledge proofs before starting.