Solving the Puzzle

Where are we left at after this code analysis? The proof system seems to be well designed, so presumably the problem is with the "proprietary prover" developed by Bob. Actually, a very well-known implementation vulnerability of sigma protocols is randomness reuse. In the context of discrete-log based signatures such as Schnorr or ECDSA signatures, repeating a nonce allows anyone to compute the private key from just two signatures. Vulnerable implementations lead, for example, to the jailbreaking of Sony's Play Station 3 and the theft of some bitcoins from Android wallets. Even if nonces are not repeated, seemingly small biases in nonce randomness [BH19] or partial information leakage (typically through side channels) [ANT+20] can be sufficient to retrieve the private key.

For the proof system of this puzzle, note how the proof that the system is extractable exploits the fact that from two accepting transcripts with the same commitments but different challenges one can compute a witness This property, which is used in the security proof in a "positive" sense, can actually give rise to a real attack in case a prover reuses the same randomness (and hence the same commitments) in two runs of the (interactive) protocol with different challenges. Here, because the Fiat-Shamir transform is used and the challenge is actually computed by hashing the commitment key, the instance, and the commitments, this would actually result in the same challenge and hence exactly the same transcript! (If you think of the corresponding attack for Schnorr signatures, the challenges are different if the victim signs different messages while reusing the same nonce.) However, one can check that the attack would work if the same randomness was reused for two different instances and the challenges obtained via Fiat-Shamir would be different (because but the reasoning of the extractability proof still applies.

Ca we apply this attack here? Let us display the commitments in the two proofs:

#![allow(unused, unreachable_code)]
use ark_ed_on_bls12_381::Fr;
use ark_ff::Field;
use double_trouble::data::puzzle_data;
use double_trouble::inner_product_argument::utils::challenge;
use double_trouble::verify;
use double_trouble::PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION;
use prompt::{puzzle, welcome};

// additional items brought into scope for puzzle solving
use double_trouble::CommitKey;
use ark_ec::AffineCurve;

fn main() {
    let (ck, [instance_and_proof_1, instance_and_proof_2]) = puzzle_data();
    let (instance1, proof1) = instance_and_proof_1;
    let (instance2, proof2) = instance_and_proof_2;
    assert!(verify(&ck, &instance1, &proof1));
    assert!(verify(&ck, &instance2, &proof2));

    // --snip--

    println!("commitment key:");
    for (i, ck_i) in ck.generators.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("ck.generators[{}] = {}", i, ck_i);
    println!("ck.hiding_generator = {}\n", ck.hiding_generator);
    println!("instance 1, C_a:\n {}\n", instance1.comm_a);
    println!("instance 2, C_a:\n {}\n", instance2.comm_a);
    println!("instance 1, b:");
    for (i, b_i) in instance1.b.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("instance1.b[{}] = {}", i, b_i);
    println!("instance 2, b:");
    for (i, b_i) in instance2.b.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("instance2.b[{}] = {}", i, b_i);

    // --snip--

    assert_eq!(instance1, instance2);
    assert_eq!(ck, CommitKey::sample(8));

    // --snip--

    println!("proof1, comm_r:\n {}", proof1.commitment.comm_r);
    println!("proof1, comm_1:\n {}", proof1.commitment.comm_1);
    println!("proof1, comm_2:\n {}\n", proof1.commitment.comm_2);

    println!("proof2, comm_r:\n {}", proof2.commitment.comm_r);
    println!("proof2, comm_1:\n {}", proof2.commitment.comm_1);
    println!("proof2, comm_2:\n {}\n", proof2.commitment.comm_2);

    // --snip--

    if proof1.commitment.comm_r.mul(2) == proof2.commitment.comm_r {
        println!("C_r in the second proof is twice C_r in the first proof\n");

    // --snip--

    let gamma1 = challenge(&ck, &instance1, &proof1.commitment);
    let gamma2 = challenge(&ck, &instance2, &proof2.commitment);
    let s1 = proof1.response.s;
    let s2 = proof2.response.s;
    let u1 = proof1.response.u;
    let u2 = proof2.response.u;
    let k = (gamma1 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2).inverse().unwrap();
    let my_a: Vec<Fr> = s1
        .map(|(c1, c2)| k * (gamma1 * c2 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2 * c1))
    let my_comm_a_rand = k * (gamma1 * u2 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2 * u1);

    let (a, comm_a_rand): (Vec<Fr>, Fr) = {
        // Your solution here!
        (my_a, my_comm_a_rand)
        ck.commit_with_explicit_randomness(&a, comm_a_rand),
        ck.commit_with_explicit_randomness(&a, comm_a_rand),
    println!("Puzzle solved!");

We get:

proof1, comm_r:
 GroupAffine(x=Fp256 "(54103849E3BA52CCE4C2C7485134A683257413F5B9A1E0DD8B04FAF09D18EC28)", y=Fp256 "(245981A43B6DB2323AB5DD6B59A72428238E1F7416DA0C30E239D3AD8EFC7CF1)")
proof1, comm_1:
 GroupAffine(x=Fp256 "(0ADC9FA9FE8D825BD5DA31F56D60EEB608EA5C47AF990736C3D27FAC048C11E1)", y=Fp256 "(46202BAFFE0145321B52334023D0A64C70B0283EB02A542C788FDF182C06ED4A)")
proof1, comm_2:
 GroupAffine(x=Fp256 "(19FD6B1FBA846B5212FD91F823E1D3CDD944FE641035B2E459876BB67C2A20F5)", y=Fp256 "(63BE5660CDF347C66B93E5CD5F53BED2AC02172EF99A960D5D13B7BE896952BD)")

proof2, comm_r:
 GroupAffine(x=Fp256 "(10098E91DCAF5036082E598F953E71B128BF1DA198D1CC39364272EE6A0FCD20)", y=Fp256 "(2DD073C47A020602A0CEF1C13E6D1365CB0ADC716935AE1A010E1546DF2BF7A1)")
proof2, comm_1:
 GroupAffine(x=Fp256 "(2F6A95827C2DF00431A43567CE757DCA4FABA1439EE6B09EB0A8CE88DF06B68C)", y=Fp256 "(2F06AC079158FC73402C6C4AF49DA4E9A957283439C4B45C25D116F340107C06)")
proof2, comm_2:
 GroupAffine(x=Fp256 "(110DE1B6E88AABFFAA4ED784B5EEF7BF359D5D02C7EDF745A873ED28221C208B)", y=Fp256 "(2A7594A3D6F65B338A8817D79F5ED22FC2751EBDDD5246A88645D25C8510FD85)")

The values of the commitments in the two proofs provided by the puzzle are different, hence we are not dealing with mere "randomness reuse" here. The puzzle description gives us a hint:

he [Bob] developed a proprietary prover that he claims is 2x faster than the standard one described below, but without sacrificing zero-knowledge

So maybe there is a simple relation between the commitments used in the two proofs, allowing to compute several proofs faster? Indeed, one can check that the commitment in the second proof is twice the one in the first proof (arguably there is some guess work here...):

#![allow(unused, unreachable_code)]
use ark_ed_on_bls12_381::Fr;
use ark_ff::Field;
use double_trouble::data::puzzle_data;
use double_trouble::inner_product_argument::utils::challenge;
use double_trouble::verify;
use double_trouble::PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION;
use prompt::{puzzle, welcome};

// additional items brought into scope for puzzle solving
use double_trouble::CommitKey;
use ark_ec::AffineCurve;

fn main() {
    let (ck, [instance_and_proof_1, instance_and_proof_2]) = puzzle_data();
    let (instance1, proof1) = instance_and_proof_1;
    let (instance2, proof2) = instance_and_proof_2;
    assert!(verify(&ck, &instance1, &proof1));
    assert!(verify(&ck, &instance2, &proof2));

    // --snip--

    println!("commitment key:");
    for (i, ck_i) in ck.generators.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("ck.generators[{}] = {}", i, ck_i);
    println!("ck.hiding_generator = {}\n", ck.hiding_generator);
    println!("instance 1, C_a:\n {}\n", instance1.comm_a);
    println!("instance 2, C_a:\n {}\n", instance2.comm_a);
    println!("instance 1, b:");
    for (i, b_i) in instance1.b.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("instance1.b[{}] = {}", i, b_i);
    println!("instance 2, b:");
    for (i, b_i) in instance2.b.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("instance2.b[{}] = {}", i, b_i);

    // --snip--

    assert_eq!(instance1, instance2);
    assert_eq!(ck, CommitKey::sample(8));

    // --snip--

    println!("proof1, comm_r:\n {}", proof1.commitment.comm_r);
    println!("proof1, comm_1:\n {}", proof1.commitment.comm_1);
    println!("proof1, comm_2:\n {}\n", proof1.commitment.comm_2);

    println!("proof2, comm_r:\n {}", proof2.commitment.comm_r);
    println!("proof2, comm_1:\n {}", proof2.commitment.comm_1);
    println!("proof2, comm_2:\n {}\n", proof2.commitment.comm_2);

    // --snip--

    if proof1.commitment.comm_r.mul(2) == proof2.commitment.comm_r {
        println!("C_r in the second proof is twice C_r in the first proof\n");

    // --snip--

    let gamma1 = challenge(&ck, &instance1, &proof1.commitment);
    let gamma2 = challenge(&ck, &instance2, &proof2.commitment);
    let s1 = proof1.response.s;
    let s2 = proof2.response.s;
    let u1 = proof1.response.u;
    let u2 = proof2.response.u;
    let k = (gamma1 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2).inverse().unwrap();
    let my_a: Vec<Fr> = s1
        .map(|(c1, c2)| k * (gamma1 * c2 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2 * c1))
    let my_comm_a_rand = k * (gamma1 * u2 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2 * u1);

    let (a, comm_a_rand): (Vec<Fr>, Fr) = {
        // Your solution here!
        (my_a, my_comm_a_rand)
        ck.commit_with_explicit_randomness(&a, comm_a_rand),
        ck.commit_with_explicit_randomness(&a, comm_a_rand),
    println!("Puzzle solved!");

How can we exploit this fact?

Coding the Attack

In all the following, we will denote quantities related to the first proof with exponent and quantities related to the second proof with exponent e.g., etc.

We have noticed that How can we exploit this information? Presumably, the prover is using and in the second proof. Hence, we have the following system of equations:

We can get rid of by multiplying the first equation by the second equation by and substracting both equations, which yields and hence, letting Similarly, from we obtain

Here is the code computing and and checking that they yield the correct commitment

#![allow(unused, unreachable_code)]
use ark_ed_on_bls12_381::Fr;
use ark_ff::Field;
use double_trouble::data::puzzle_data;
use double_trouble::inner_product_argument::utils::challenge;
use double_trouble::verify;
use double_trouble::PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION;
use prompt::{puzzle, welcome};

// additional items brought into scope for puzzle solving
use double_trouble::CommitKey;
use ark_ec::AffineCurve;

fn main() {
    let (ck, [instance_and_proof_1, instance_and_proof_2]) = puzzle_data();
    let (instance1, proof1) = instance_and_proof_1;
    let (instance2, proof2) = instance_and_proof_2;
    assert!(verify(&ck, &instance1, &proof1));
    assert!(verify(&ck, &instance2, &proof2));

    // --snip--

    println!("commitment key:");
    for (i, ck_i) in ck.generators.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("ck.generators[{}] = {}", i, ck_i);
    println!("ck.hiding_generator = {}\n", ck.hiding_generator);
    println!("instance 1, C_a:\n {}\n", instance1.comm_a);
    println!("instance 2, C_a:\n {}\n", instance2.comm_a);
    println!("instance 1, b:");
    for (i, b_i) in instance1.b.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("instance1.b[{}] = {}", i, b_i);
    println!("instance 2, b:");
    for (i, b_i) in instance2.b.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("instance2.b[{}] = {}", i, b_i);

    // --snip--

    assert_eq!(instance1, instance2);
    assert_eq!(ck, CommitKey::sample(8));

    // --snip--

    println!("proof1, comm_r:\n {}", proof1.commitment.comm_r);
    println!("proof1, comm_1:\n {}", proof1.commitment.comm_1);
    println!("proof1, comm_2:\n {}\n", proof1.commitment.comm_2);

    println!("proof2, comm_r:\n {}", proof2.commitment.comm_r);
    println!("proof2, comm_1:\n {}", proof2.commitment.comm_1);
    println!("proof2, comm_2:\n {}\n", proof2.commitment.comm_2);

    // --snip--

    if proof1.commitment.comm_r.mul(2) == proof2.commitment.comm_r {
        println!("C_r in the second proof is twice C_r in the first proof\n");

    // --snip--

    let gamma1 = challenge(&ck, &instance1, &proof1.commitment);
    let gamma2 = challenge(&ck, &instance2, &proof2.commitment);
    let s1 = proof1.response.s;
    let s2 = proof2.response.s;
    let u1 = proof1.response.u;
    let u2 = proof2.response.u;
    let k = (gamma1 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2).inverse().unwrap();
    let my_a: Vec<Fr> = s1
        .map(|(c1, c2)| k * (gamma1 * c2 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2 * c1))
    let my_comm_a_rand = k * (gamma1 * u2 - Fr::from(2) * gamma2 * u1);

    let (a, comm_a_rand): (Vec<Fr>, Fr) = {
        // Your solution here!
        (my_a, my_comm_a_rand)
        ck.commit_with_explicit_randomness(&a, comm_a_rand),
        ck.commit_with_explicit_randomness(&a, comm_a_rand),
    println!("Puzzle solved!");


The lesson of this puzzle is that one should never try to optimize a Sigma protocol (or any kind of ZK proof) by compromising on the quality of the randomness used by the prover. It is not enough for commitments in different runs of a sigma protocol to be different, they must be computed using independent and fresh randomness in each run. In case the prover does not have access to a reliable source of randomness, one can use proof systems satisfying the stronger resettable zero-knowledge notion [CGGM00].