Solving the Puzzle

Subgroup Membership Checks

Now that we know about small subgroup attacks, a natural idea is to check whether and are in the "correct" subgroups, i.e., the subgroups of large prime order specified by the BLS12-381 parameters. Fortunately, the arkworks library has methods for that:

use ark_bls12_381::Fr;
use ark_ec::AffineCurve;
use prompt::{puzzle, welcome};
use std::str::FromStr;
use trusted_setup::data::puzzle_data;
use trusted_setup::PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION;

fn main() {
    let (_ts1, _ts2) = puzzle_data();

    // --snip--

    // check that G1 and G2 are not in the correct group
    if _ts1[0].is_on_curve() {
        println!("G1 is on the curve.");
    } else {
        println!("G1 is not on the curve.");

    if _ts1[0].is_in_correct_subgroup_assuming_on_curve() {
        println!("G1 is in the correct subgroup.");
    } else {
        println!("G1 is not in the correct subgroup.");

    if _ts2[0].is_on_curve() {
        println!("G2 is on the curve.");
    } else {
        println!("G2 is not on the curve.");

    if _ts2[0].is_in_correct_subgroup_assuming_on_curve() {
        println!("G2 is in the correct subgroup.");
    } else {
        println!("G2 is not in the correct subgroup.");

    // printing points to copy-paste them in sage script
    println!("G1 = {}", _ts1[0]);
    println!("s * G1 = {}", _ts1[1]);
    println!("G2 = {}", _ts2[0]);
    println!("s * g2 = {}", _ts2[1]);

    /* Your solution here! (s in decimal)*/
    let s = Fr::from_str("114939083266787167213538091034071020048").unwrap();
    println!("Checking the solution...");
    assert_eq!(_ts1[0].mul(s), _ts1[1]);
    assert_eq!(_ts2[0].mul(s), _ts2[1]);
    println!("It works!");

which yields

G1 is on the curve.
G1 is not in the correct subgroup.
G2 is on the curve.
G2 is not in the correct subgroup.

Nice! So we know that we must mount a small subgroup attack to retrieve and solve the puzzle.

You can have a look at the code of methods is_on_curve and is_in_correct_subgroup_assuming_on_curve here. Note that if the point that is being tested is not for certain on the curve, one should call both methods: indeed, is_in_correct_subgroup_assuming_on_curve could return true when applied to a point which is not on the curve (see invalid curve attacks).

Solving the Puzzle with Sage

From now on we will be using Sage as it is quite convenient to do all kinds of computations on elliptic curves, as we'll see.

Recall that BLS12-381 actually consists of two curves in short Weierstrass form:

  • defined over the prime field where is a 381-bit prime,
  • defined over the quadratic extension of obtained from the irreducible polynomial

The BLS12-381 parameters also specify two points and (more usually denoted and but this conflicts with the puzzle notation), both of prime order but we won't need them here.

Although I'm not aware of any normative reference for BLS12-381, all the parameters can be found in the IETF Internet-Draft for pairing-friendly curves. With that, we can construct the two curves in Sage (see here for the Sage documentation about elliptic curves over finite fields):

p = 0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab
F1 = GF(p)
a1 = 0
b1 = 4
E1 = EllipticCurve(F1, [a1, b1])

R.<x> = PolynomialRing(F1)
F2.<u> = F1.extension(x^2+1)
a2 = 0
b2 = 4*(1+u)
E2 = EllipticCurve(F2, [a2, b2])

Although we know that is not in the subgroup of large prime order we don't know 's order yet. We will compute it with Sage. For this, we display this point by using println!("G1 = {}", _ts1[0]); in the main function of the puzzle and we get:

G1 = GroupAffine(x=Fp384 "(0F99F411A5F6C484EC5CAD7B9F9C0F01A3D2BB73759BB95567F1FE4910331D32B95ED87E36681230273C9A6677BE3A69)",
 y=Fp384 "(12978C5E13A226B039CE22A0F4961D329747F0B78350988DAB4C1263455C826418A667CA97AC55576228FC7AA77D33E5)")

We can now copy-paste these values into our Sage file to define there and ask Sage to compute 's order and even factor it:

G1 = E1(0x0F99F411A5F6C484EC5CAD7B9F9C0F01A3D2BB73759BB95567F1FE4910331D32B95ED87E36681230273C9A6677BE3A69, \
n1 = G1.order()
L1 = list(n1.factor())
print("The factorization of G1's order n1 is:")
for l in L1:

which prints the list of prime factors together with their addicity:

The factorization of G1's order n1 is:
(3, 1)
(11, 1)
(10177, 1)
(859267, 1)
(52437899, 1)
(52435875175126190479447740508185965837690552500527637822603658699938581184513, 1)

The largest prime factor is actually the order of subgroups and one is supposed to work with when using BLS12-381. It's 255-bit, no way we're gonna be able to compute of course. On the other hand, the other factors seem small enough so that we can apply the small subgroup attack to compute where As is a 64-bit number (check with print(numerical_approx(log(n1/r, 2)))), we'll be able to get roughly 64 bits of information about a good start.

Recall the overall principle of the attack as described earlier. Let (this is _ts1[1] from the puzzle data). We compute (whose order is and Then where the last equality follows from the fact that has order We can now compute the discrete logarithm of in base which will give us our first equation

Sage has a generic discrete_log function (where generic means it works over any group) which uses various algorithms (Pohlig-Hellman, Pollard-rho, ...) and that we can call directly here:

H1 = E1(0x16C2385B2093CC3EDBC0F2257E8F23E98E775F8F6628767E5F4FC0E495285B95B1505F487102FE083E65DC8E9E3A9181, \
s1 = discrete_log(r*H1, r*G1, operation='+')
print("s mod k1 =")

We get:

s mod k1 =

How do we continue from here? Could we use information contained in points ? Repeating all the above with for example would allow us to compute but this is simply which we can compute from so this does not give us new information.

Maybe we could use points then? This seems implausible though: as and are just random scalars independent from we could just have generated points with the same distribution by ourselves from by drawing random values for and and computing the corresponding scalar multiplications. These extra points rather look like some red herring.

Hence, we now consider the set of points on the second curve Again, we define point in Sage and try to compute its order:

G2 = E2(0x1173F10AD9F2DBEE8B6C0BB2624B05D72EEC87925F5C3633E2C000E699A580B842D3F35AF1BE77517C86AEBCA1130AE4 \
      + 0x0434043A97DA28EF7100AE559167FC613F057B85451476ABABB27CFF0238A32831A0B4D14BA83C4F97247C8AC339841F * u, \
        0x0BEBEC70446CB91BB3D4DC5C8412915E99D612D8807C950AB06BC41583F528FDA9F42EC0FE7CD2991638187EF44258D3 \
      + 0x19528E3B5C90C73A7092BB9AFDC73F86C838F551CCD9DBBA5CC6244CF76AB3372193DBE5B62383FAAE728728D4C1E649 * u)
n2 = G2.order()

Unlike for where Sage returned the answer pretty quickly, this seems to take quite some time (I killed the process after a few minutes). To understand why, one has to keep two things in mind:

  • First, the second curve is much bigger than the first one. By Hasse's bound, its order is close to (hence roughly 762-bit long). Sage can compute it very quickly with E2.cardinality(), however if we try to factor it, this seems quite long again, presumably because it has at least two large prime factors.
  • Second, computing the order of efficiently actually requires the factorization of the order of the ambient group, i.e., (see Algorithm 4.79 of Chapter 4 of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography).

Hence, the reason why G2.order() takes so much time is presumably that it tries to factor first. Could we help Sage here? We know at least one large prime factor of namely the prime order of subgroup defined by BLS12-381 parameters. The number is called the cofactor of subgroup in We can compute it in Sage and try to factor it:

E2_order = E2.cardinality()
c2 = E2_order/r
L2 = list(c2.factor())
print("The factorization of cofactor c2 = |E2|/r is:")
for l in L2:

This gives:

The factorization of cofactor c2 = |E2|/r is:
(13, 2)
(23, 2)
(2713, 1)
(11953, 1)
(262069, 1)
(402096035359507321594726366720466575392706800671181159425656785868777272553337714697862511267018014931937703598282857976535744623203249, 1)

We can see that the cofactor has a very large (448-bit long) prime factor that will be denoted in the following. What prevented Sage from factoring efficiently was the part, but Sage can factor very quickly because it has only one large prime factor.

Now that we know the factorization of can we hint it to Sage so that it can compute 's order efficiently? It turns out that there is another function called order_from_multiple to which we can pass a multiple of 's order (we will use as 's order necessarily divides and the factorization of So we give it a try (after inserting the missing factor in the list to obtain the factorization of

L2.insert(5, (r,1))
n2 = order_from_multiple(G2, E2_order, factorization=L2, operation='+')

This time, Sage returns instantly. Trying to factor the result again takes time, meaning 's order is a multiple of but as before we can factor and insert afterwards to get the result quickly:

L3 = list((n2/r).factor())
print("The factorization of n2/r is:")
for l in L3:
L3.insert(5, (r,1))
print("The factorization of G2's order n2 is:")
for l in L3:

We obtain:

The factorization of G2's order n2 is:
(13, 1)
(23, 1)
(2713, 1)
(11953, 1)
(262069, 1)
(52435875175126190479447740508185965837690552500527637822603658699938581184513, 1)
(402096035359507321594726366720466575392706800671181159425656785868777272553337714697862511267018014931937703598282857976535744623203249, 1)

Now we have all the information we need and can perform a second small subgroup attack by clearing the large factor from 's order, which will give us where which is a 52-bit integer. So we compute and and ask sage to compute the discrete logarithm of in base There is a catch though: as we're working in the order of which Sage cannot factor quickly, we need to pass Sage the order of namely

s2 = discrete_log(r * rp * H2, r * rp * G2, ord=k2, operation='+')
print("s mod k2 =")

We get:

s mod k2 =

As and are coprime, we can now combine the two equations using the Chinese remainder theorem to compute

s12 = crt([s1, s2], [k1, k2])
print("s mod k1 * k2 =")

We get

s mod k1 * k2 =

As is a 115-bit integer and is 128-bit long, we miss roughly 13 bit of information, which is sufficiently small to allow exhaustive search: writing we can loop through all integers and check whether

for i in range(2^13):
	s = i*k + s12
	if s * G1 == H1:
		print("discrete log found:")

We're finally done:

discrete log found:


Keep in mind that it is possible to create instances of the GroupAffine type which are not in the correct subgroup of the related curve through the deserialize_unchecked function. Hence, subgroup membership tests should always be performed before creating an instance whose coordinates come from an untrusted source. If you feel this is a step aside from the type safety philosophy of Rust, it is possible to define an enum such as

enum ECPoint<P> {

and to implement a public constructor for it that will never return an Unchecked variant if there is a possibility that the corresponding point is not in the correct subgroup.