Initial Inspection

As this is the first puzzle, we will go over the code in details.

The package directory is structured as follows:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── bin
    │   └──

It has two crates:

  • a library crate with root file src/,
  • a binary crate with root file src/bin/

Let's take a look at the code inside the file src/

pub mod bls;
pub mod data;
pub mod hash;

pub const PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION: &str = r#"Alice designed an authentication system in which users gain access by presenting it a signature on a username, which Alice provided.
One day, Alice discovered 256 of these signatures were leaked publicly, but the secret key wasn't. Phew.
The next day, she found out someone accessed her system with a username she doesn't know! This shouldn't be possible due to existential unforgeability, as she never signed such a message.

Can you find out how it happend and produce a signature on your username?"#;

It simply declares three public modules named bls, data, and hash and a string slice named PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION with the text which is displayed when running the project.

Let's now have a look at the code in the binary crate's source file src/bin/

use bls_pedersen::bls::verify;
use bls_pedersen::data::puzzle_data;
use bls_pedersen::PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION;
use prompt::{puzzle, welcome};

fn main() {
    let (pk, ms, sigs) = puzzle_data();
    for (m, sig) in ms.iter().zip(sigs.iter()) {
        verify(pk, m, *sig);

    /* Your solution here! */
      let sig = ...;
      let m = your username;
      verify(pk, m, sig);

It first brings some items from the library crate into scope with the use keyword. Note that when a package contains both a library and a binary crate, any public item from the library crate can be used in the binary crate by starting paths with the name of the package (which is specified in the Cargo.toml file; in this case, it is bls_pedersen). It also brings into scope two functions called welcome and puzzle defined in the prompt external crate.

The main function first calls welcome and puzzle which respectively display some nice ASCII art and the puzzle description. It then calls the puzzle_data function. From the path used to bring puzzle_data into scope, we know that this function is defined in the data module of the library. Hence, we look into the file src/ for its code, which looks like this:

pub fn puzzle_data() -> (G2Affine, Vec<Vec<u8>>, Vec<G1Affine>) {
    // ...
    (pk, ms, sigs)

This function returns a tuple made up of a public key pk of type G2Affine, a vector ms of messages of type Vec<u8>, and a vector sigs of signatures of type G1Affine. We'll come back to types G1Affine and G2Affine shortly. The main function then runs a loop which checks the validity of all message/signature pairs with respect to public key pk:

    for (m, sig) in ms.iter().zip(sigs.iter()) {
        verify(pk, m, *sig);

If you don't understand the syntax of the loop, read about iterators and the zip method as this will come up quite often.

The verify function is defined in the bls module, as indicated by the path used to bring it into scope. In order to understand what this function does, make sure to read the chapters about pairings and BLS signatures. Here is the code:

use ark_bls12_381::{Bls12_381, G1Affine, G2Affine};
use ark_ec::{AffineCurve, PairingEngine};
use std::ops::Neg;

use crate::hash::hash_to_curve;
use ark_ff::One;

// --snip--

pub fn verify(pk: G2Affine, msg: &[u8], sig: G1Affine) {
    let (_, h) = hash_to_curve(msg);
        (h.into(), pk.into()),

Just from the names of the functions, we can guess that it first hashes the message msg by calling hash_to_curve, getting a point h on and then asserts that the product of two pairings is equal to the identity element of group Ignoring the into method for now, we can see that the arguments for the first pairing are the signature sig and the opposite of the generator of group The arguments for the second pairing are the hash h and the public key pk.

Hence, what verify is asserting is whether (using our notation from the BLS signatures chapter) which is equivalent to the verification equation (17.1) we gave when describing BLS since

So verify is indeed checking a BLS signature. Computing a product of pairings can be done more efficiently than computing the pairings one by one (see here), which explains why performing verification using Eq. (25.1.1) is often preferable.

What pairing-friendly curve does the signature scheme use? The arkworks libraries implement many such curves (see the list here). From the Cargo.toml file listing dependencies of the package, we can see that it includes the ark-bls12-381 library crate, where the Bls12_381 type prefixing the call to product_of_pairings is defined. Hence, the puzzle uses the BLS12-381 curve.

Our next task is to understand what the hash_to_curve function does exactly. Before that, we take a moment to explore some of the arkworks crates used in the puzzle.