Exploring the arkworks Libraries

As explained in the introduction, the ZK Hack puzzles are a great opportunity to explore the arkworks libraries. Although we have a reasonable understanding of what verify does, let us pause a moment and explain how to find its way in all the crates arkworks provides. Say we want to understand what the function Bls12_381::product_of_pairings does exactly. First, we check the path used to bring Bls12_381 into scope in the src/bls.rs module:

use ark_bls12_381::{Bls12_381, G1Affine, G2Affine};

This tells us that we need to look into the ark-bls12-381 crate.1

The first thing to know is that there are two possible places where to look for information: Docs.rs, the documentation host for Rust crates hosted at crates.io, and the arkworks GitHub repositories.2

Second, one has to be careful about which version of the crate the puzzle requires. For this, we must inspect the Cargo.toml file which lists the package dependencies:

ark-std = "0.3"
ark-ff = "0.3"
ark-ec = "0.3"
ark-serialize = "0.3"
ark-bls12-381 = "0.3"
ark-crypto-primitives = "0.3"
rand = "0.8"
rand_chacha = "0.3"
hex = "0.4"
prompt = { git = "https://github.com/kobigurk/zkhack-prompt" }
blake2s_simd = "0.5.11"

We can see that the puzzle requires version 0.3 of the ark-bls12-381 crate. Hence, we select to correct version of the ark-bls12-381 crate on Docs.rs as starting point of our exploration.

If you prefer to browse libraries on GitHub or locally, be careful to check out the correct commit: the ark-ec crate is part of the algebra repository, the releases of which are listed here.

When entering product_of_pairings in the search bar on top of the documentation page of the ark-bls12-381 crate, we don't get any hit. This probably means that this function is part of a trait that the type Bls12_381 implements using the default implementation. Hence, we search for this type instead, which leads us to its definition:

type Bls12_381 = Bls12<Parameters>;

Following the link to the definition of the Bls12 type, we see that it is defined in the models::bls12 submodule of the ark-ec crate, which contains all the generic code for curves of the BLS family with embedding degree 12:

pub struct Bls12<P: Bls12Parameters>(_);

This illustrates how arkworks uses traits to abstract common behaviour of various curves. Bls12 is an empty struct parameterized by a generic type P that must satisfy the trait bound Bls12Parameters. A specific curve of the BLS-12 family, such as BLS12-381, is then instantiated by defining an empty struct Parameters implementing the Bls12Parameters trait in a specific way.

We can now search for product_of_pairings in the ark-ec crate. We are more lucky this time as we find out that it is part of the PairingEngine trait. Let's take a look at the code:

pub trait PairingEngine: Sized + 'static + Copy + Debug + Sync + Send + Eq + PartialEq {
    // ...

    /// Computes a product of pairings.
    fn product_of_pairings<'a, I>(i: I) -> Self::Fqk
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a (Self::G1Prepared, Self::G2Prepared)>,

    // ...

We can see that a default implementation is indeed provided, computing a product of Miller loops followed by a single final exponentiation. You can keep digging from here and inspect how miller_loop and final_exponentiation are implemented for the BLS-12 family.

Note that the product_of_pairings function has been replaced in version 0.4.0 of the ark-ec crate by the multi_pairing function.

Next, we will see what the into method applied to curve points does.

Affine versus Projective Coordinates

The ark-ec library allows you to work both with affine and projective coordinates and to easily switch between them. For short Weierstrass curves, the affine representation corresponds to the GroupAffine struct implementing the AffineCurve trait:

pub struct GroupAffine<P: Parameters> {
    pub x: P::BaseField,
    pub y: P::BaseField,
    pub infinity: bool,
    // some fields omitted

The projective representation uses Jacobian (not homogeneous) coordinates and corresponds to the GroupProjective struct implementing the ProjectiveCurve trait:

pub struct GroupProjective<P: Parameters> {
    pub x: P::BaseField,
    pub y: P::BaseField,
    pub z: P::BaseField,
    // some fields omitted

Note in particular how the GroupAffine struct needs to hold a boolean field infinity indicating whether an instance is the point at infinity or not, whereas GroupProjective needs not.

The trait Parameters, an alias for ark_ec::models::SWModelParameters, contains all parameters specifying a prime-order subgroup of an elliptic curve in short Weierstrass form:

pub trait SWModelParameters: ModelParameters {
    const COEFF_A: Self::BaseField;
    const COEFF_B: Self::BaseField;
    const COFACTOR: &'static [u64];
    const COFACTOR_INV: Self::ScalarField;
    const AFFINE_GENERATOR_COEFFS: (Self::BaseField, Self::BaseField);
    fn mul_by_a(elem: &Self::BaseField) -> Self::BaseField { ... }
    fn add_b(elem: &Self::BaseField) -> Self::BaseField { ... }

What about types G1Affine and G2Affine? Recall that in order to define a pairing one needs two prime-order subgroups and of elliptic curves defined on respectively and some field extension Types G1Affine and G2Affine correspond to the affine representation of these two subgroups and are defined for curves of the BLS-12 family respectively here and there as:

type G1Affine<P> = GroupAffine<<P as Bls12Parameters>::G1Parameters>;
type G2Affine<P> = GroupAffine<<P as Bls12Parameters>::G2Parameters>;

Type P must implement the Bls12Parameters trait:

pub trait Bls12Parameters: 'static {
    type Fp: PrimeField + SquareRootField + Into<<Self::Fp as PrimeField>::BigInt>;
    type Fp2Params: Fp2Parameters<Fp = Self::Fp>;
    type Fp6Params: Fp6Parameters<Fp2Params = Self::Fp2Params>;
    type Fp12Params: Fp12Parameters<Fp6Params = Self::Fp6Params>;
    type G1Parameters: SWModelParameters<BaseField = Self::Fp>;
    type G2Parameters: SWModelParameters<BaseField = Fp2<Self::Fp2Params>, ScalarField = <Self::G1Parameters as ModelParameters>::ScalarField>;

    const X: &'static [u64];
    const X_IS_NEGATIVE: bool;
    const TWIST_TYPE: TwistType;

As expected, types G1Parameters and G2Parameters must both implement the SWModelParameters trait with a prime base field for G1Parameters and a quadratic extension field for G2Parameters.


Conversion between affine and projective coordinates is handled by the From and Into traits. These are very general and useful traits that you can read about here and here. They provide respectively an associated function from and a method into, the latter one being generally derived from the former.

The function from for creating a point in projective coordinates from a point in affine coordinates is implemented here:

impl<P: Parameters> From<GroupAffine<P>> for GroupProjective<P> {
    fn from(p: GroupAffine<P>) -> GroupProjective<P> {
        if p.is_zero() {
        } else {
            Self::new(p.x, p.y, P::BaseField::one())

The converse function, creating a point in affine coordinates from a point in projective coordinates, is implemented here:

impl<P: Parameters> From<GroupProjective<P>> for GroupAffine<P> {
    fn from(p: GroupProjective<P>) -> GroupAffine<P> {
        if p.is_zero() {
        } else if p.z.is_one() {
            // If Z is one, the point is already normalized.
            GroupAffine::new(p.x, p.y, false)
        } else {
            // Z is nonzero, so it must have an inverse in a field.
            let zinv = p.z.inverse().unwrap();
            let zinv_squared = zinv.square();

            // X/Z^2
            let x = p.x * &zinv_squared;

            // Y/Z^3
            let y = p.y * &(zinv_squared * &zinv);

            GroupAffine::new(x, y, false)

Note that there are also more explicit into_affine and into_projective methods which simply call into.

All what we just said was for version 0.3 of the crate. The structs and traits have been renamed in version 0.4 as follows:

  • struct GroupAffine Affine
  • trait AffineCurve AffineRepr
  • struct GroupProjective Projective
  • trait ProjectiveCurve CurveGroup: Group.

Hopefully the code of the verify function should now make completely sense. Note in particular how elliptic curve points are converted from affine coordinates to projective coordinates using method into before being passed to product_of_pairings.

It's now time to see what the hash_to_curve function does exactly.

1: Note that hyphens are not valid characters in Rust identifiers, however it is possible (and idiomatic) to use them in package and crate names. Cargo automatically converts them to underscores. See here.

2: If you're curious about what guarantees we have that the source codes on github.com and crates.io are really the same, I recommend this interesting blog post by Eric Seppanen.