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TODO: some proofs missing


We cover the elementary theory of groups, one of the most fundamental algebraic structure consisting of a set with a binary operation satisfying associativity, the existence of an identity element, and the existence of an inverse for every element of the set. We focus in particular on abelian (commutative) groups and cyclic groups, which are of particular relevance for cryptography.


Basic Definitions

A binary operation over a set is a function usually denoted in infix notation, meaning the image of is written

A group is a non-empty set equipped with a binary operation satisfying the following properties:

  • associativity: for every
  • identity element: there exists such that for every such an is called the identity element of
  • inverse element: for every there exists such that such a is called the inverse of

The use of determiner the for the identity element and the inverse of an element is justified by the following proposition.

Proposition 5.1. Let be a group. Then has a unique identity element and every element has a unique inverse.


Assume that has two identity elements and Then (because is an identity element) and (because is an identity element), hence

Assume that some group element has two inverses and Then

The group consisting of a single element such that is called the trivial group.

If the binary operation is commutative, i.e., for every then is said to be abelian.

If is finite, the number of elements of is called the order of and denoted If is infinite, is said to have infinite order.


A group consists of a set and a binary operation. Hence, strictly speaking, it is a pair although one commonly speaks of "the group ", the binary operation being left implicit.


  • and equipped with addition are abelian groups of infinite order. The identity element is and the inverse of is
  • is not a group for addition since non-zero elements don't have an inverse in
  • and equipped with multiplication are abelian groups of infinite order. The identity element is and the inverse of is
  • Neither nor are groups for multiplication since no elements except and have an inverse.
  • Given a set and two functions and from to define the composition of and denoted as for every Then the set of all permutations (bijections) of a set of size is a group for the operation of finite order The identity element is the identity function and the inverse of is the inverse function mapping to the unique such that This group is non-abelian when

Additive/Multiplicative Notation

There are two standard notation types for the group operation:

  • additive: the group operation is denoted the identity element is denoted (or if one wants to avoid confusion with integer and the inverse of is denoted
  • multiplicative: the group operation is denoted or the identity element is denoted (or if one wants to avoid confusion with integer and the inverse of is denote

In the case of multiplicative notation, the operation symbol might be omitted and the group law simply denoted by juxtaposition. By convention, for an "abstract" group, additive notation is restricted to abelian groups (meaning multiplicative notation is used either when the group is known to be non-abelian, or when the abelian/non-abelian character of the group is unspecified).

For the rest of this chapter, unless specified otherwise, the group operation will be denoted multiplicatively but the identity element will be denoted for clarity.

Repeated Group Operation

Give a group element it is possible to apply the group operation repeatedly to itself, i.e., compute

When the group operation is denoted additively, for we define This is usually called the scalar multiplication of by

When the group operation is denoted multiplicatively, for we define This is usually called the exponentiation of by

Proposition 5.2. Let be a group denoted multiplicatively. Then for every and every one has

Moreover, if is abelian, then for every and every

Direct Product

Let and be two groups. The direct product of and is the Cartesian product equipped with the binary operation defined component-wise:

Proposition 5.3. The direct product as defined above is a group. Its identity element is where and are respectively the identity element of and The inverse of is

For abelian groups, the direct product is sometimes called direct sum and denoted 1


Let be a group and be a non-empty subset of The subset is a subgroup of if equipped with the binary operation of is a group.

Proposition 5.4. Let be a group and be subset of Then is a subgroup of if and only if the following three properties are satisfied:

  • for every
  • for every


The condition can be replaced by the condition that is non-empty. Clearly, Conversely, if the second and third conditions are met, then implies that there is some which by the third condition implies that which by the second condition implies that

The following proposition gives a slightly more compact subgroup criterion.

Proposition 5.5. Let be a group and be subset of Then is a subgroup of if and only if and for every

A subgroup of is said to be proper if it is different from Any non-trivial group has at least one proper subgroup, namely called the trivial subgroup.

Proposition 5.6. The intersection of a (finite or infinite) set of subgroups is a subgroup.


Let be the intersection of a collection of subgroups Then, by Proposition 5.5, for every and hence Let Then, for every and hence again by Proposition 5.5. Thus, It follows that is a subgroup.

Cosets and Lagrange Theorem

Let be a subgroup of a group Consider the relation defined by if and only if and the dual one defined by if and only if The following proposition shows that these are equivalence relations.

Proposition 5.7. Let be a group. Let be a subgroup of Then the relation defined by if and only if is an equivalence relation. The proposition also holds by replacing by


Let be a subgroup of and be relation defined by if and only if Let us show that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

  • reflexivity: implies that for every and hence
  • symmetry: being closed under under inverses implies that for every
  • transitivity: being closed under the binary operation implies that for every

The proof is similar for the relation defined by

Let be a subgroup of and be the equivalence relation An equivalence class for is called a right coset of Being equivalence classes, right cosets form a partition of For the right coset to which belongs is easily seen to be Similarly, an equivalence class for the relation relation is called a left coset of Left cosets form a partition of and for the left coset to which belongs is

When is abelian, the set of right cosets and the set of left cosets are the same, but when is non-abelian this is not necessarily the case. Note that itself is both a right and a left coset.

A cornerstone of group theory is Lagrange's theorem, which essentially follows from the fact that right cosets (as well as left cosets) all have the same size.

Theorem 5.1 (Lagrange's Theorem). Let be a finite group. Then the order of any subgroup of divides the order of


Let be a subgroup of For every the mapping is a bijection from to the right coset it is obviously surjective and hence it is injective. Hence, all right cosets have elements. Since right cosets form a partition of we have where is the number of right cosets.

A similar reasoning with left cosets shows that the number of left cosets is equal to the number of right cosets.

The number of right (or left) cosets of is called the index of in and denoted Hence, Lagrange theorem states that

Normal Subgroups

Having defined an equivalence relation associated with a subgroup, one may ask whether the set of right (or left) cosets can be equipped with a group structure. This is where the notion of normal subgroup comes into play.

Let be a group. A subgroup of is said to be normal if for every (i.e., left and right cosets are equal).

Normality can be characterized by a number of other equivalent conditions. The easiest to check is often the following one.

Proposition 5.8. A subgroup of is normal if and only if for every

For abelian groups, the situation is pretty simple.

Proposition 5.9. Every subgroup of an abelian group is normal.


If is abelian and is a subgroup of then for any and hence By Proposition 5.8, this implies that is normal.

Let us see now how normal subgroups allow us to construct quotient groups.

Quotient Groups

Let be a group and let be an equivalence relation on We say that is compatible with the group structure of if and implies If is compatible with the group structure of then one can equip the quotient set (the set of all equivalence classes) with a binary operation defined as where denotes the equivalence class of This is well defined as compatibility of with the group structure ensures that this binary operation does not depend on the specific representatives and of each equivalence class. The following proposition states that normal subgroups completely characterize the equivalence relations which are compatible with the group structure of

Proposition 5.10. Let be a group and be a normal subgroup of Then the equivalence relation defined by is compatible with the group structure of Conversely, let be an equivalence relation compatible with the group structure of Then is a normal subgroup of and


Let be a normal subgroup of Let us show that defined by (which is an equivalence relation by Proposition 5.7) is compatible with the group structure of Let such that and We want to show that i.e., Note that We have because which implies that because is normal. We also have because hence and

Conversely, assume that is an equivalence relation which is compatible with the group structure of Define as the equivalence class of the identity element. Let us first show that is a normal subgroup. Clearly, Let i.e., and Then, by compatibility of with the group structure, we have Hence and by Proposition 5.5, is a subgroup.

To show that is normal, let us show that for every Let and Then Hence and is normal.

It remains to show By compatibility of with the group structure, we have and Hence which concludes the proof.

Let be a normal subgroup of and let be the equivalence relation defined by Then the quotient set equipped with the binary operation defined by is a group (as shown in the proposition below) called the quotient group associated with and denoted Note that the order of is the index of

Proposition 5.11. Let be a group and be a normal subgroup of Then is a group. Its identity element is and the inverse of is If is abelian then so is


This follows straightforwardly from the definition of the binary operation

Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms

Let and be two groups.

  • A group homomorphism is a function from to such that for every
  • If then is called a group endomorphism.
  • If is bijective, then is called a group isomorphism and groups and are said isomorphic, denoted
  • If and is bijective, then is called a group automorphism (hence, a group automorphism is both a group endomorphism and a group isomorphism).

The following proposition gives a number of properties of group homomorphisms.

Proposition 5.12. Let and be two groups and be a group homomorphism. Then:

  • for every
  • for every subgroup of is a subgroup of
  • for every subgroup of is a subgroup of
  • if is a group isomorphism, then the inverse function is also a group isomorphism;
  • if is another group and is a group homomorphism, then is a group homomorphism from to

Let be a group homomorphism. Two sets related to are particularly important:

  • The kernel of is the subset of defined as
  • The image of is the subset of defined as

By Proposition 5.12, is a subgroup of since it is equal to and is a subgroup of since it is equal to

Theorem 5.2 (First Isomorphism Theorem). Let be a group homomorphism. Then is a normal subgroup of and


Let us first show that is normal. Let and Then Hence and hence is normal.

Consider now the mapping defined by It is well-defined since In other words, equivalence classes of are just subsets of elements of with the same image under Consequently, the definition of does not depend on the representative of the equivalence class.

It is a group homomorphism since Moreover, it is injective since It is also surjective since any element in is of the form for some and hence Hence, is a group isomorphism.

There are three other isomorphism theorems but they are not as useful as the first one.

Group Generation

Let be a group and be a subset of The subgroup generated by , denoted is the intersection of all subgroups of containing (Recall that by Proposition 5.6, an intersection of subgroups is a subgroup.) Informally, it is the "smallest" (for inclusion) subgroup of which contains any subgroup containing contains

The following proposition gives a more explicit characterization.

Proposition 5.13. Let be a group and be a subset of Then is the subgroup of all elements of that can be expressed as the finite product of elements of and inverse of elements of

Note in particular that (in which case Proposition 5.13 still holds with the convention that an empty product of group elements is equal to

If is finite, the subgroup generated by is also denoted When is abelian, then

A group is said to be finitely generated is there exists a finite number of elements such that in which case is called a generating set of

A group is said cyclic (or monogenous2) if there exists such that in which case is called a generator of

The order of an element is the order of the subgroup If has infinite order, the order of an element can be finite or infinite.

Below we list a number of properties of the order of an element.

Proposition 5.14. Let be a group and be a group element. Then has finite order if and only if there exists such that In that case, 's order is the smallest integer such that and one has

Proposition 5.15. If has finite order then the order of any element divides In particular, for any


The first part is a direct consequence of Lagrange's Theorem. For the second part, let be the order of and write Then

Proposition 5.16. Let be a group and be an element of order Then for every if and only if divides


If divides then for some integer which implies Conversely, assume that By Euclid's division lemma, there exists such that and Then and consequently This implies that as otherwise would have order Hence, and divides

Proposition 5.17. Let be a group, be an element of order and Then the order of is


Let and let be the order of Then and hence by Proposition 5.16, which implies Since this implies

On the other hand, and hence by Proposition 5.16, We conclude that

Properties of Cyclic Groups

Proposition 5.18. Any cyclic group is abelian.


Let be a cyclic group, let be a generator of and let be two group elements. Then there exists such that and which implies that

Proposition 5.19. Let be a cyclic group and be a subgroup of Then and are cyclic.


Let be a cyclic group, be a generator of and be a subgroup of Let us first show that is cyclic. If then is clearly cyclic. Otherwise, let be the smallest integer such that (which necessarily exists since contains at least one element different from and either this element or its inverse can be written for some We will prove that Clearly, since is a subgroup. Conversely, let Then for some By Euclid's division lemma, there exists such that and Then and consequently This implies that as otherwise this would contradict the minimality of Hence and Thus, and hence is cyclic.

Let us now show that is cyclic. More precisely, let us prove that Let be an element of the quotient group specified by an arbitrary representative Then there exists such that Thus, and hence is a generator of

Proposition 5.20. Any group with prime order is cyclic and any element different from the identity element is a generator of


Let be a group of prime order Let be an element different from the identity element and let be the order of Since the order of an element divides the order of the group by Proposition 5.15, one has either or Since one cannot have hence and generates

Proposition 5.21. Let be a cyclic group of order be a generator of and Then if and only if In particular, has generators, where is Euler's function.


We have if and only if the order of is which by Proposition 5.17 is equivalent to

For the second part of the proposition, write Then generators of are exactly elements of the form with and hence there are such elements.

Proposition 5.22. Let and be two cyclic groups of order and respectively. Then the direct product is cyclic if and only if Moreover, is a generator of if and only if is a generator of and is a generator of


Let us first show the following lemma: Let be an element of order and be an element of order Then has order

Let be the identity element of and be the identity element of Then The smallest such positive integer is by definition which proves the lemma.

Let us now prove the proposition. Assume that is cyclic and let be a generator of Then clearly must be a generator of and a generator of By the previous lemma, has order On the other hand, has order as it generates Hence, which implies

Conversely, assume that and let be a generator of and be a generator of By the lemma, has order and hence generates

Classification of Cyclic Groups

The set of integers equipped with addition is a cyclic group of infinite order with identity element and generators and

What are its subgroups? In general, a simple way to construct subgroups of any group is given by the following proposition.

Proposition 5.23. Let be a group denoted additively and be an integer. Then is a subgroup of


First, one has since Second, let Then and for some Hence, Thus, by Proposition 5.5, is a subgroup of

Hence, for any integer the set is a subgroup of By Proposition 5.19, it is cyclic. One can easily check that it has infinite order and that it is generated by and These are in fact the only subgroups of

Proposition 5.24. Let be a subgroup of Then there exists a unique such that


Le us show existence first. If then Assume now that implying that contains at least one positive integer (it contains at least one non-zero integer and either or is positive). Let be the smallest positive integer in Let us show that Clearly, since Conversely, let By Euclid's division lemma, there exists such that and Since and are in is also in which implies as otherwise this would contradict the minimality of Thus, and Hence, which proves existence.

For uniqueness, assume that for Then implies and implies and consequently since and are in

For any we can consider the quotient group The equivalence class of is also called the residue class of modulo . There are distinct classes, namely Hence, the index of is and has order It is cyclic with generator (and More generally, by Proposition 5.21, the generators of are for such that

Another way to think of is as the set equipped with "modulo " addition and inverses. More precisely, let be the set of symbols equipped with the binary operation This is a group with identity and inverse One can easily see that and are isomorphic, the isomorphism being From now on, we will work with the latter formalism.

As for let us characterize the subgroups of By Proposition 5.23, for any integer is a subgroup of What does this subgroup look like? One has where the last equivalence follows from Bézout's lemma.

Hence, letting we see that is the subset of containing multiples of i.e., In particular, has order and index (As we will see shorty, being cyclic, one has )

Again, we can show that these are in fact the only subgroups of

Proposition 5.25. Let and be a subgroup of Then there is a unique such that and


Let be a subgroup of Let us prove existence first. Let Then is a subgroup of it is clearly non-empty and for and one has hence Thus, there exists such that Moreover, since and hence Since it follows that

Let us now prove uniqueness. Assume that for with and dividing Since this implies and hence Conversely, and hence since and are in

We can now prove the following two "structure theorems" stating that, up to isomorphism, and are the only cyclic groups of infinite, resp. finite order

Theorem 5.3 (Fundamental Theorem of Cyclic Groups). Let be a cyclic group. Then:

  • If has infinite order, then it is isomorphic to and the subgroups of are exactly the subsets for
  • If has finite order then it is isomorphic to and the subgroups of are exactly the subsets for such that In particular, has exactly one subgroup of order for each divisor of namely


Let be a cyclic group and be a generator of Consider the mapping defined by Then is a group homomorphism since It is clearly surjective since is a generator of

Consider first the case where has infinite order. Let us show that is injective. Assume that for distinct integers and with Then contradicting the fact that has infinite order. Hence, is an isomorphism from to Since the subgroups of are exactly for the subgroups of are exactly where the last equality follows from being a generator and hence

Consider now the case where has finite order Let us show that Since has order by Proposition 5.16, for every which exactly means that Hence, By the First Isomorphism Theorem,

Let be the isomorphism defined by Since the subgroups of are exactly for such that the subgroups of are exactly

Cauchy's Theorem for Abelian Groups

Lagrange's theorem states that the order of a subgroup of a finite group divides the order of the group. Conversely, given a divisor of the order of the group, does there always exist a subgroup of order ? A group where this property holds is called a converse Lagrange theorem (CLT) group. The answer is no in general. However, there are specific cases where the existence of a subgroup is guaranteed. Cauchy's theorem states that for every group (non-necessarily abelian) of finite order and every prime divisor of has a subgroup of order Cauchy's theorem is a special case of Sylow's (first) theorem.

Here, we will only prove it in the easier case where is abelian. Actually, a more general result (that will follow easily from the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups) is that any finite abelian group is CLT. In other words, for a finite abelian group of order the existence of a subgroup of order is guaranteed for any divisor of not only for prime divisors.

Theorem 5.4 (Cauchy's Theorem, Abelian Case). Let be an abelian group of finite order Then, for every prime divisor of there exists a subgroup of of order (or, equivalently, there exists an element of of order


The equivalence between the two conclusions follows from the fact that a group of prime order is necessarily cyclic.

Let be a generating set of and for let denote the order of Consider the mapping defined by Since is abelian, it is a group homomorphism. Moreover, since is a generating set, is surjective (indeed, by definition of a generating set of an abelian group, any element can be written as for some integers and for each By the First Isomorphism Theorem, is isomorphic to which implies that and hence divides

Let be a prime divisor of Then divides and hence divides for some Then we can write and by Proposition 5.17, has order which concludes the proof.

Exponent of a Group

Let be a group. Consider the subset of defined as One can easily check that this is a subgroup of Hence, by Proposition 5.24, there is a unique integer such that this subgroup is equal to This integer is called the exponent of Equivalently, it is defined as the smallest positive integer such that If no such integer exists, depending on the convention, is said to have exponent 0 or infinite exponent. A finite group of order necessarily has finite exponent satisfying (since by Proposition 5.15, for every and hence Moreover, the order of any group element divides by Proposition 5.16. Conversely, a group with infinite exponent necessarily has infinite order. However, a group with finite exponent is not necessarily finite.

In the following, we prove that an abelian group with finite exponent always contains an element of order This will be a key lemma for proving the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups. Note that none of the three following propositions holds for a non-abelian group.

Proposition 5.26. Let be an abelian group and and be two elements of respective order and such that Then the order of is More generally, if are group elements of respective orders such that then the order of is


Let be the order of Since by Proposition 5.16, we have

On the other hand, since one has and hence This implies that hence But since Symmetrically, one also has Since this implies and hence The generalization can be proved by induction on

Proposition 5.27. Let be an abelian group and and be two elements of respective order and Then there exists an element of of order


Let be the prime factor decomposition of For each divides either or Say it divides (the reasoning is similar if it divides Then, by Proposition 5.17, has order Hence, for each there exists an element of order By Proposition 5.26, has order

Proposition 5.28. Let be an abelian group of finite exponent Then there exists an element of of order


By Proposition 5.16, the order of any group element divides In particular, all group elements have order at most and hence there exists a group element of maximal order Assume towards a contradiction that If the order of every group element divides then for every contradicting the minimality of Otherwise, assume that there is a group element of order which does not divide Then, by Proposition 5.27, there exists an element of order contradicting the maximality of Hence, it must be that which concludes the proof.

As a direct corollary, we have that a finite abelian group is cyclic if and only if its order is equal to its exponent.

Structure Theorem for Finite Abelian Groups

This section presents the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups, sometimes called Kronecker theorem. As we will see, finite abelian groups can be "decomposed" in two ways. The equivalence between these two decompositions relies on the following theorem.

Theorem 5.5 (Chinese Remainder Theorem for Groups). Let and be two positive integers. Then


Assume that Consider the mapping defined by One can easily check that is a group homomorphism. Moreover, where the last equivalence follows from Hence, By the First Isomorphism Theorem, is isomorphic to In particular, hence Thus,

Conversely, assume that By Proposition 5.22, is not cyclic. As is cyclic, these two groups cannot be isomorphic.

Theorem 5.6 (Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups). Let be a non-trivial finite abelian group. Then:

  • (primary decomposition): is isomorphic to a direct product of cyclic groups where the 's are (not necessarily distinct) primes and the 's are positive integers. This decomposition is unique up to the order of factors. The prime powers are called the elementary divisors of
  • (invariant factor decomposition): is isomorphic to a direct product of cyclic groups where the 's are positive integers such that for This decomposition is unique and is the exponent of the group. The integers are called the invariant factors of



Consider for example What are the primary and invariant factor decompositions of this group? By the Chinese remainder theorem, we have The penultimate form is the primary decomposition, while the last form is the invariant factor decomposition.

The smallest abelian non-cyclic group is of order 4, usually called the Klein group.

Proposition 5.29. A finite abelian group is cyclic if and only if in its invariant factor decomposition.

For an integer one may ask how many different abelian groups of order there are, up to isomorphism. Let denote the partition function defined as follows: for an integer is the number of distinct ways of writing as a sum of positive integers, where the order of these integers does not matter. For example, since has partitions: and

Proposition 5.30 (Number of Finite Abelian Groups of Fixed Order). Let be an integer and let its decomposition in prime factors be Then the number of abelian groups of order up to isomorphism, is where is the partition function. In particular, there is a unique abelian group of order up to isomorphism (namely if and only if is square-free, i.e.,

For example, there is a unique (up to isomorphism) abelian group of order namely (primary/invariant factor decomposition). On the other hand, there are two (up to isomorphism) abelian groups of order namely and

Structure Theorem for Finitely Generated Abelian Groups

We now consider abelian groups which are finitely generated (but not necessarily of finite order).

Let be an abelian group. For an element is said to be an -torsion element if (or equivalently, if has finite order dividing An element is said to be a torsion element if it has finite order.

Proposition 5.31. Let be an abelian group. Then the set of all -torsion elements of denoted is a subgroup called the -torsion subgroup of and the set of all torsion elements of denoted is a subgroup called the torsion subgroup of


First, is clearly an -torsion element. Let and be two -torsion elements. Then hence is an -torsion element. Hence is a subgroup of by Proposition 5.5.

Similarly, is a torsion element. Let and be two torsion elements of order respectively and Then Hence has finite order, i.e., it is a torsion element. Hence is a subgroup of

If then is called a torsion group (or periodic group). If then is said torsion-free.

Theorem 5.7 (Fundamental Theorem of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups). Let be a finitely generated abelian group. Let be the torsion subgroup of Then is finite and abelian and there exists a free abelian subgroup such that In particular, there exists an integer (called the free rank or simply rank of and integers with such that Integers and are unique.



1: While the direct sum is the same as the direct product for a finite number of groups, this is not the case for a infinite number of groups. See this StackExchange question.

2: Sometimes cyclic is used for groups which are both monogenous and finite, which makes sense since for an infinite monogenous group such as one never "cycles back" when computing