Before Starting

    ______ _   __  _   _            _
    |___  /| | / / | | | |          | |
       / / | |/ /  | |_| | __ _  ___| | __
      / /  |    \  |  _  |/ _` |/ __| |/ /
    ./ /___| |\  \ | | | | (_| | (__|   <
    \_____/\_| \_/ \_| |_/\__,_|\___|_|\_\

Over the last months, ZK Hack published a series of cryptographic puzzles. This is a fun way to learn about advanced cryptographic schemes such as BLS signatures, KZG polynomial commitments, proof systems and more, to improve its skills in Rust and Sage, and to delve into the arkworks libraries suite.

There are many great write-ups already available for every puzzle. The goal of this walk-through is to give an in-depth analysis of the cryptography underlying each puzzle.

We encourage the reader to regularly pause and try to come with its own solution!

The full code of the solutions is available at


All puzzles use Rust and require some familiarity with this language. Visit this page for installation instructions and go through the first sections of the Rust Book if you're new to Rust. You can use any text editor you like, but it is recommended to use Visual Studio Code together with the rust-analyzer plugin which provides very helpful functionalities such as inlay hints. See here and there for more advice about using VS Code fur Rust development.

We will also occasionally rely on the Sage mathematics software system to solve some of the puzzles. See here for installation instructions.

The solutions will be given for Linux but should be easily adaptable to other operating systems.

Getting Started

Each puzzle consists of a Rust package hosted on GitHub. To get started, one first need to clone the project and run it, which displays the puzzle instructions. E.g., for the first puzzle, one proceeds as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd zkhack-bls-pedersen
$ cargo run --release

This displays the puzzle description. Understanding the organization of the project's code requires some basic knowledge of Rust concepts of packages, crates, and modules. Section 7 of the Rust book contains all you need to know.

Rust Conventions and Tips

  • Paths to files are given relatively to the puzzle directory.
  • Most Rust snippets have an eyeball icon which will toggle the visibility of hidden lines.
  • Puzzles 1 to 11 are based on version 0.3 of the arkworks libraries, but version 0.4 has been released meanwhile with a handful of breaking changes (puzzle 12 and beyond use version 0.4); we will strive to indicate those affecting the relevant part of the crates.
  • We often switch between mathematical notation and Rust variables. We write var or var to identify the mathematical variable and the Rust variable var.